Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Famly visit

Well I haven`t been on my blog since I came back from the USA. Not a lot happened really apart from a visit by my son and grandchildren from Eynsham near Oxford. I love it when James and Maddy come down, you know having silly fun with your grandchildren, its what makes the world go round.
Well Maddy wanted to go to the beach and stay overnight in a tent. Good idea but Garry my son thought, seeing as they hadn`t stayed in a tent before it might be better to put it up in the garden and sleep overnight there just in case they didn`t like it.

We had a BBQ with a rainbow trout as requested by Maddy which she cooked and it tasted delicious.
More to follow as we looked for faces in the rocks at Rest Bay, Porthcawl. You will be amazed at the pictures  taken.

So here they are getting the BBQ ready and then Maddy cooking her Rainbow Trout which was really nice. A great evening was had by all.                                                                                    
Of course the tent had been put up with great difficulty but Gary and I managed in the end. So after the food and a couple of pints for the grown ups it was time for bed.
I was lucky as I was allowed to sleep in my own bed, but Gary had to sleep with the children. We had a double and one single blow up beds and three sleeping bags so it wasn`t that primitive. It did rain all night by the way but the tent held up and remained dry.

The next morning after we had eaten a hearty breakfast the rain finally stopped and we set on our way to the seaside. Woopee.
We went to Rest Bay at Porthcawl and the kids started playing on the beach with their buckets and spades while dad and I had a little rest on some portable chairs we had brought with us.

After a time we all decided to go exploring on the rocks near the beach, generally looking for crabs and any other life forms living in the rocks or the pools of water within the rocks. The kids thought it was great fun and as we were looking among the rocks I suddenly started seeing shapes of faces and animals carved out by the tides. So I drifted off on my own and took some pictures and found the images quite fascinating. See what you think.

This one looked like a small mammal with a tail.

I looked into this one and saw nothing until I took a closer look and I was amazed what I saw in the little pool near the centre of the picture. Check this out and I should point out that all these images are rocks and not what they appear to be

The one on the left looks like a small bird peeping over the rock.

The one on the right I can see so many faces but the main one seems to be a mans head on its side

Well this one on the left has to be a Gorilla or a Hippo in the water.

The one on the right a horse of course.

Look theres even a ghost on the left and sponge bob on the right

I don`t know what this is on the left but I just liked it. I`ll call it the blob.

The one on the right well it`s got to be a tortoise.

So there you are, just remember to look in the rocks next time you are at the beach as you never know who or what you may meet.

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